The Rise of the Zoom Magician
*By Keelan Leyser, March 21, 2020*
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced performers of all kinds to adapt to a new virtual world. Magicians are no exception. My Facebook feed is filled with magicians embracing online platforms like Zoom to reach new audiences. From free magic lessons to full-fledged interactive magic shows, magicians are getting creative with technology.
I have loved the challenge of designing an engaging virtual magic show for corporate events. It has pushed me to explore new routines tailored to the online format. I recently launched a website dedicated to my virtual magic show offerings, seeing a real business opportunity.
Of course, some magicians have resisted this shift, believing magic is best experienced live. Their main criticism is that magic lacks impact through a screen. I argue the opposite – with careful routine selection and production value, virtual magic can be even more powerful than live magic. The controlled filming environment allows for camera angles and lighting that take online illusions to the next level.
My advice to aspiring “Zoom magicians” is don’t become complacent just because your old routines worked before. Make sure to dedicate some time to planning a proper studio arrangement, taking into account suitable lighting, great audio, and well-planned camera angles. Treat this new digital stage as you would for a professional live show. With so many canceled gigs, we owe it to our audiences and art form to make virtual magic Shows engaging and spectacular.
This pandemic has forced artists to get creative and find new ways to reach people. The magicians and mentalists embracing virtual platforms prove adapting to change sometimes reveals exciting new possibilities. As virtual performances become normalized across the arts, I predict the online magic show is far from a passing fad. Even post-pandemic, this new format allows magicians to access global audiences like never before. The virtual magic revolution is just beginning.