So, I just got this nice little set in. In the range are coins, cards and a stainless Steel card guard. As you all know I like a bit of coin magic so let’s start there shall we? A dollar size and a half dollar size coin which has the Mechanics insignia emblazoned all over them. They have a good crisp milled edge to them which makes them super easy for edge gripping and palming. The coins insignia  has moulded in such a fashion that it is almost flat. For any coin worker this can be essential as this makes the coins ‘soft’ and a dream to use. Just rubbing them together will tell you this as it is almost silent. The coins also look ultra cool, they are finished in gun metal grey or bronze.

Now after saying all this, the coins aren’t actually coins. They are kind of the Mechanics own currency, if you like. They are specially discs of steel that are made for Magi. I can see a jumbo one on the horizon surly…and a shell…and a folder.

The Mechanic Cards are truly unique, in that the back design act as a really cool flick book, Yes I know, really cool. The back design is made up of a bunch of cog wheels and once the deck is flicked through the cog wheels turn. This happens better when the deck is in ‘new deck order’ however it can be in any order and still the cogs turn. It’s just so much smoother when it’s in new deck order. The faces have a great look to them and of course feel good in the hands because they are printed on US Playing card stock.

To finish we can put these excellent cards away in the Stainless Steel Mechanic Card Guard, this, again has a great logo and finished in gun metal grey. In all, this is a great collectors piece but a working piece to, don’t take my word for it, grab a set.