The Test Book – Book Test by Paul Carnazzo and Mental Voyage – Trick

This is not the traditional book test where a spectator thinks of a word, and the mentalist reveals the word. Not that there is anything wrong with those types of book tests, in fact, most of them are fantastic! As the title implies, this is more of a “Book of Tests”.



This is not the traditional book test where a spectator thinks of a word, and the mentalist reveals the word. Not that there is anything wrong with those types of book tests, in fact, most of them are fantastic!

As the title implies, this is more of a “Book of Tests”. Using this book you will be able to reveal thought of words, numbers, symbols, etc.

The Test Book-Book Test is an authentic looking telepathy testing manual from the National Institute of Parapsychology. It has a total of 11 “tests” that can be used as a demonstration of telepathy or as a test of the spectator’s abilities…and of course, the mentalist (or the spectator) is always successful.

It has 11 Tests that can be presented as legitimate Telepathy Tests.

Tests include:

Several word tests.

In the first word test, a spectator chooses a word from a list of over 50 words and the mentalist correctly names the chosen word.

There are two other word tests in which three groups of words are displayed. A spectator mentally selects one word from each group. The mentalist makes a note of his impressions, and reveals the very words that the spectator was merely thinking. No fishing, signaling, or forcing.

There are also several tests involving symbols. In one of the symbol tests, a page with 20 different symbols is displayed, and one is thought of by the spectator (the spectator can draw the symbol, but this is not necessary), the mentalist correctly draws the thought of symbol. No fishing, signaling, or forcing.

In another test, a page with four lists of numbers is displayed. The lists contain 4, 5, and 6 digit numbers. The spectator mentally selects one of the numbers, and tries to telepathically transmit the number to the mentalist. The mentalist records his impressions, and reveals the thought of number!

There is another test involving times of day. A page is displayed with ten times of day listed. Again, the spectator merely thinks of a time and the mentalist jots down his impressions, and proves that he correctly received the spectator’s thoughts.

In another test, several lists of countries are displayed. The spectator mentally selects one, and is asked to visualize a map with only this selected country on it. With no questions, nothing written down, no forcing, no fishing…the mentalist reveals the thought of country with 100% accuracy.

There are other tests included as well, all of which are used to demonstrate direct mind to mind telepathy.

There are also several blank pages with the heading “NOTES:” and some ideas on how to use these pages for further demonstrations of telepathy.

The book includes the Telepathy Testing Manual, blank cards to record your “impressions” (enough cards for hundreds of performances), a special gimmick (which sells elsewhere for $30), instruction manual, and everything else you need. Note that the included gimmick is a powerful tool for the mentalist and can be used in many other effects other than the book test. This gimmick is completely hidden in plain sight and can be handled by the spectator and they will never be aware that they are using a special gimmick (also, this gimmick is not used in every test).

Full Disclosure Notice:
Some of the ideas used in the Testing Manual carry over from Paul’s Wallet Cards. Six of the eleven “Tests” in the book have nothing to do with the cards, and rely on a principle not seen on the cards. Any of the ideas that are carried over from the cards either have additions to them, are used in a different way, or include alternate handlings.

The book is spiral bound and measures 8.5 X 5.5 inches, and has 28 total pages.

Additional information

Weight 0.53 kg


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