Sometimes More Is More!
Within these volumes are meticulously described 556 tricks and routines conceived by Stewart James. Of these, 478 have not been published before. Many of the originations of this extraordinary man appearing here for the first time are brilliant, some are transcendent. And of the 148 choice variants of his inventions created by others, 74 have not seen print before.
Nearly 1700 Pages of Stewart James’ Magic, Most Previously Unpublished
Compiled and Written by Allan Slaight Accompanied by Max Maven
Two Hardbound Volumes With A Hardbound Index of Some 15,000 Entries for Stewart James In Print and The James File
The largest work ever published on magic, let alone on the magic of one man. But Stewart James was a remarkable magician, as these three volumes attest. Volumes 1 and 2 of The James File contain nearly 1700 pages of Stewart James’s magic, most of it previously unpublished. The third volume presents Bill Goodwin’s astonishingly thorough 122-page index to all the material in The James File and in the earlier companion volume, Stewart James in Print: The First Fifty Years. Here are a few of the comments this stupendous work has inspired:
“A truly monumental achievement. James couldn’t have had a better tribute.”
– Martin Gardner.
“The most fascinating reading I have encountered in a lifetime of perusing the magic literature.”
– Charles Reynolds
“Remarkable. It should be in your library.”
– Michael Close
“I was floored. Magnificent.”
– Larry Becker
“Thrilling and deeply satisfying. A masterwork.”
– Jon Racherbaumer
This three-volume set, produced in large format, comprises roughly 1800 pages crammed with brilliant close-up magic and much more.
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