A true classic of magic that any magician would be proud to perform. Often called Houdini’s Metamorphosis, this packing crate can be examined by audience members and the illusion can be performed up close and surrounded. It’s easy to build and easy to troupe with. The illusion is the instantaneous exchange of the magician who has been locked and handcuffed in the locked trunk with his assistant standing on top.
A miracle illusion!
Paul Osborne illusion plans are conceived with the builder,collector and performer in mind. We outline the working, construction and performing of each illusion. All plans are drawn on 15″ x 20″ paper using US Standard measurements, easily converted to metric measurements using a metric conversion chart. These are real prints and, because they are drawn to scale, any measurement can be verified with an architect’s scale.
We feel that our plans look equally at home on your workshop bench or your magic library.
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