As a full-time professional magician, I look for certain criteria when selecting effects to perform.

For the magic hobbyist, issues such as pocket space, re-set time and being workable in all conditions (i.e. angleproof) aren’t really a concern but for me they are! I’d like to briefly highlight some of the reasons why Tick Tock has become one of my favourite close up effects…

Strong magical content – Yes, Tick Tock is a simple concept, but a very powerful. Two watches independently have their times set and they both match. Simple and direct. Many effects are so complicated in terms of plot, that the spectator actual gets bored in the complexity!!! When the two watches are turned over to reveal matching times, you get a WOW moment. This is what I want in an effect – something that your audiences will remember and talk about for years to come.

Strong magical content – Yes, Tick Tock is a simple concept, but a very powerful.

Strong routining – The various routines have been designed so that any sneaky stuff is achieved within the routine in a logical chilled out manner – please refer to another one of my articles regarding Body Language and misdirection techniques. Strong routining adds to the impossibility of an effect – with Tick Tock the illusion is that the performer doesn’t really do anything, the spectator does all the work with adds to the impact of the effect.

Reset – When working tables and/or groups of people, the ability to immediately reset the effect is vital. Tick Tock is ready to go within seconds!

It’s Different!!!! – Yep, although we all love card and coin tricks, well Tick Tock is certainly different!

Adaptable – Tick Tock could be used within a mentalism or close up environment. Serious or fun, you choose. There are also other routines which are covered on the DVD involving cards and coins should you want to change the effect.

Different outcomes – Tick Tock can be changed so that the times can be different after each performance. Nice for table hopping.

Can perform surrounded – nuff said!

Packs small but play big – Tick Tock doesn’t leave you with bulging pockets! Small watches don’t exactly take up much space.

Simple to Perform – although not self working, Tick Tock is simple to perform.

Not bad eh? Oh yeah I also forgot, the watches can be totally examined before and after the effect which adds to the impact of the magic. And of course the magic happens in the hands of the spectators.

I love Tick Tock – it’s a little gem that is a permanent fixture in my close up repertoire, and I hope that you will add it to yours too. Have fun…

You can view Tick Tock by Sean Goodman here: