Travelling the World with Magic

Travelling the World with magic, is one of the most enviable perks, and most talked about topics amongst friends, family and magicians alike.When you travel internationally it is highly regarded by your peers, and for the majority of times, it is most likely you will have a great experience, meet lovely people and everything will go smoothly and you will return home with plenty of photos and stories, sometimes though, it can be particularly stressful especially if you are travelling alone and find yourself in a foreign country where nothing is as you expected.

I have been particularly blessed to experience so much of the world at such a young age, just turning 25, there is literally only a handful of countries I haven’t been too (or that I want to anyway!) and this is solely because of magic and having a unique selling point that sifted us above the others and gained international interest. We have had so many incredible trips and met so many amazing people, but we have also had a fair share of rough everything! I wanted to write this article for those who are interested in pushing towards getting international bookings and those who are just getting started with the travelling.


1) Always be paid 100% BEFORE the show, if you are working for a UK agency then this will be fine if they insist on the 30 day net because they will have been paid in advance and are liable for your fee, but if you are dealing with foreign agencies or international clients directly, always do this. There is obviously some give and take on this, because they are unlikely to pay the full 100% upfront especially if it is your first time working for them, so we usually say 50% must be in the bank before we leave for the airport and the remaining 50% to be transferred upon arrival or the day before the show. This just gives you some leverage of not performing your show if the money hasn’t been transferred.


2) Passports – if you become really busy with International bookings, I would highly recommend applying for a second passport, this means you will be able to travel whilst obtaining visas if needed for other events, it also spreads the amount of travel you do over two passports, which is good when travelling to specific countries such as USA, Russia and China and some Middle East countries!

I would highly recommend applying for a second passport


3) Visas – sometimes your client will apply for your visa, but this is very rare and 99% of the time it will be left for you… I cannot stress enough, this next point! USE AN AGENCY… especially if your travel date is quite soon. I have had so many stresses over visas arriving so close to the departure date – once it even came the morning of the evening I was travelling, this causes so much unnecessary stress and it usually is only to save £50 of which the client would pay anyway. Visa agencies are there to help with the process, so let them. It means you also have a point of call to get updates because it is near on possible to contact the embassies themselves and most of them seem so unhelpful when dealing with them directly. Another point to be fastidious over it the visa requirements, because this can delay massively the visa process as they will most likely post it back to you not call if there is anything wrong or missing. Check carefully the photo sizes – they are not all passport size required and make sure your client is providing you with the correct letters you need from them.


4) Accommodation – there is a HUGE divide in some cases of what people deem acceptable accommodations, not so much within Europe but it definitely can happen within Asia.Our contract states minimum 4* Western Hotel – well, some I have refused to stay in when in India just because I deemed it uninhabitable but again this varies person to person, if you have been backpacking and don’t mind a bit of roughing it, maybe it would be acceptable, for me, stains on the sheets and no air con is really not acceptable.

you do not have to put up with substandard accommodation so don’t be frightened to say this is not what my contract states

In saying that, I have stayed in some of the grandest suites in India also, so just stress this to your client and make sure you ask for the hotel reservation before you leave. You are travelling as an International Artist and working at a professional level, you do not have to put up with substandard accommodation so don’t be frightened to say this is not what my contract states. I appreciate there is an awkwardness about having this situation, not wanting to be a diva and cause trouble but not be a pushover either. It is a tricky scenario to find oneself in and has happened to us many a time.

Performance area and timing

5) Performance area and timings – Make sure you have clear contract stating what you have agreed to do for the fee (and take this with you) – don’t just agree to do close-up magic, and in your mind you are doing an hour, because they may think this is 8 hours outside. Everything needs to be in writing before you leave and you have to go with the mindset this may change (again depending on where you are working) be open minded, be as accommodating as you can but don’t compromise your act, because sometimes clients can become so pushy and you end up doing much more than was initially agreed for no extra money. Obviously, access the situation, if you are asked to perform some extras for a VIP then this could lead to more business but you are not a performing monkey, this is your job, you do magic for money, you wouldn’t go to the hair salon for a cut say “just put a few highlights in, but I’ll just pay for the cut” it wouldn’t happen, so just be careful especially when first starting out, we know what is it like to be eager to please as you are in their country and want to do a good job. If you have specific staging requirements – make sure they understand and send stage photos or plans, don’t assume because you said you need it, that they will get it, you have to ask a thousand times to ensure its done.


6) Flights – don’t insist on business class, it is so much more expensive for the client and you just seem arrogant. On the flip side, insist on direct flights, I refuse to go on non-direct – wastes so much time and much greater chance of losing your luggage. British Airways fly to most places and have capped overweight/oversize/extra bag fees to you can tell your client in advanced there might be an extra bag charge of £x, whereas cheap airlines charge per kilo, so saving £100 on the flight ends up so much more costly, I have had to pay £350 each way in excess luggage when going to Egypt on a trip a few years back.

Finally, make sure you have your contact’s details before you leave and who is collecting you from the airport, so you are all set when you land for hopefully a smooth trip. All the clients I have had in countries where I have wanted to extend my trip, have been really good about giving me extra days to do the tourist thing in the cities. If you ask in advance, they will just book your flights for the later departure day, and most of the time, extend the hotel stay (this is sometimes at your expense) and arrange someone to take me around if required. As long as you ask before it is all booked, I have never had a problem, they are usually excited you want to spend time in their country so do their best to help you.

make sure you have your contact’s details before you leave and who is collecting you from the airport